Boyz ll Men的英文歌I'll make love to you我要和妳做愛+歌詞+中譯翻譯+英文學習

I'll make love to you


作詞: Babyface

作曲: Babyface

原唱: Boyz ll Men




影片(Boyz ll Men)提供者:Música Ap♥sionada

Close your eyes, make a wish閉上妳的雙眼 許下一個願望

And blow out the candlelight然後吹熄這燭光

For tonight is just your night因為今晚正是妳的夜晚

We're gonna celebrate, all thru the night我們整個夜晚將會一起慶祝

Pour the wine, light the fire倒杯酒 點起火吧

Girl your wish is my command女孩妳的願望就是我的命令

My submit to your demands我願服從妳的請求

I'll do anything, girl you need only ask女孩妳只需說出口 我都會去做


I'll make love to you我將要和妳做愛

Like you want me to正如妳也希望我這樣做

And I'll hold you tight我將會緊緊擁抱妳

Baby all through the night寶貝 就這樣度過整過晚上

I'll make love to you當妳要我這樣做時

When you want me to 我將要和妳做愛(倒裝句)

And I will not let go而且我不會白白放掉

Till you tell me to直到妳告訴我為止


Girl relax, let's go slow女孩 放輕鬆點 讓我們慢慢來

I ain't got nowhere to go我沒有地方可去

I'm just gonna concentrate on you我就會全心專注在妳身上

Girl are you ready女孩 準備好了嗎

It's gonna be a long night這將會是一個漫漫長夜

Throw your clothes on the floor將妳的衣服拋到地板上吧

I'm gonna take my clothes off too我也會脫下我的衣服

I've made plans to be with you我已做好一個要和妳一起的計劃

Girl whatever you ask me女孩 不管妳要求我什麼

You know I can do妳知道我能做的


I'll make love to you我將要和妳做愛

Like you want me to正如妳也希望我這樣做

And I'll hold you tight我將會緊緊擁抱妳

Baby all through the night寶貝 就這樣度過整過晚上

I'll make love to you當妳要我這樣做時

When you want me to 我將要和妳做愛(倒裝句)

And I will not let go而且我不會白白放掉

Till you tell me to直到妳告訴我為止


Baby tonight is your night寶貝 今晚是屬於妳的夜晚

And I will do you right而且我會公平地對待妳

Just make a wish on your night只要在屬於妳的夜晚 許下一個願望

Anything that you ask任何妳所要求的事

I will give you the love of your life, your life, your life我將會給妳妳一生 一生 一生的愛


I'll make love to you我將要和妳做愛

Like you want me to正如妳也希望我這樣做

And I'll hold you tight我將會緊緊擁抱妳

Baby all through the night寶貝 就這樣度過整過晚上

I'll make love to you當妳要我這樣做時

When you want me to 我將要和妳做愛(倒裝句)

And I will not let go而且我不會白白放掉

Till you tell me to直到妳告訴我為止


I'll make love to you我將要和妳做愛

Like you want me to正如妳也希望我這樣做

And I'll hold you tight我將會緊緊擁抱妳

Baby all through the night寶貝 就這樣度過整過晚上

I'll make love to you當妳要我這樣做時

When you want me to 我將要和妳做愛(倒裝句)

And I will not let go而且我不會白白放掉

Till you tell me to直到妳告訴我為止


make a wish=下一個願望blow out=吹熄、爆裂all thru the night=整個夜晚My submit to=我願服從、我願屈服,My submit to是文法上的錯誤,應該為I submit toconcentrate on=全心專注take off=脫下do you right=公平地對待妳



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